So, is OneUI 3.0 finally included with Domino 8.5.3 ?

18 July, 2011 18:52:40 Miguel Calvo  Domino  English  oneUI  |  Comentarios (5)

Domino and websphere wikis have been upgraded and its look and feel has improved and is similar to Lotus Connections

Image:So, is OneUI 3.0 finally included with Domino 8.5.3 ?

Looking at the details, we can guess that they've upgraded Domino and deployed 8.5.3, that is about to be delivered this July.

Image:So, is OneUI 3.0 finally included with Domino 8.5.3 ?

Reading Declan's post, I can see that OneUI 2.1 is included with Domino 8.5.3, but, is OneUI 3.0 going to be included with this new Domino release, or will we still have to wait ?

I've had no time to download last 8.5.3 Beta code drop, but I'll have to :-)

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1) So, is OneUI 3.0 finally included with Domino 8.5.3 ?
David Leedy 18/07/2011 19:27:09

I've not seen oneUIV3 in the most reason CD5 build. I hope it comes for 8.5.3 gold.

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2) So, is OneUI 3.0 finally included with Domino 8.5.3 ?
Stephan H. Wissel 19/07/2011 4:01:53

It is actually OneUI 2.1 - and it is in CD5.

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3) So, is OneUI 3.0 finally included with Domino 8.5.3 ?
Miguel Angel Calvo 19/07/2011 18:08:13

Certainly, I've taken the time to deploy it and it's OneUI 2.1.

But OneUI 3 is already ready for XPages. We only have to know the exact release when we can get it.

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4) So, is OneUI 3.0 finally included with Domino 8.5.3 ?
Albert Buendia 19/07/2011 18:08:41

FYI, según fuentes fidedignas consultadas por el ESLUG, ND 8.5.3 "gold" aparecerá a mediados de septiembre.

Por otra parte, siempre te puedes anticipar y "tomar prestado" a la wiki de lotus las hojas de estilo y ficheros javascript .js que hagan falta ¿no?



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5) So, is OneUI 3.0 finally included with Domino 8.5.3 ?
Miguel Angel Calvo 20/07/2011 10:08:57

Hola Albert,

Apurando el Q3 :-)

Tienes razón. Ya probé en su día los CSS de en aplicaciones que teníamos locales, y efectivamente se respeta bastante la definición de estilos y lográbamos el aspecto OneUI 3.0, pero sería mucho más interesante que estuviera ya incluido en Domino y aplicado a, por ejemplo, la plantilla del foro,...

Un saludo,

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