1 April, 2016 09:24:34 Miguel Calvo Bluemix watson XPages | Comentarios (0)
IBM Ireland hosted on March 30th & 31st the event Unlocking the OGS: Building Cognitive Solutions with IBM Domino, Watson and Bluemix. There were around 40 people attending from all over Europe.
Eamonn Muldon's team provided a lot of "in deep" information to understand how X4B ( XPages for Bluemix ) works and the integration points to use Watson services in XPages applications. There were quite interesting discussions with IBM people and other Business Partners.
But not only the technical information was interesting and valuable, but also they were excellent hosts making us comfortable and always opened to our comments ( not always positive ). This is an open thank you to their good work and to encourage them for hosting similar events in the next future.